What you need to read your Bible for more than knowledge

What You Need

A notebook, pen, dictionary app, and a Bible.

Are you using these the right way? I know that question may sound weird or uppity? (Is that even a word??? Ha!) But really. HOW and WHY you use each of these will help reading the Bible go from purely gaining knowledge to: •intimacy with Jesus •living out your faith •finding comfort in the storm •staying steadfast in the trials

Notebook: Use the notebook to keep all your thoughts, questions, and cool God moments in one place. Keep it in a safe place so you feel free to be truly curious and honest when reading the Bible w/o fear someone will see it.

Pen: Write out a prayer BEFORE you START reading and ask God to help you understand what He is trying to COMMUNICATE to you about…. anything. Remind yourself God uses the Bible to speak to you about everything - so He doesn’t just want you to know what it says, but to use it hear and understand Him.

Dictionary App: Get the dictionary app!!! That way, googling the definition of a word doesn’t end up in completing an online purchase you started and forgot about in Safari. Look up words you don’t know instead of ignoring them or assuming.

Bible: A real Bible you can hold! Online resources are great sometimes, but using a real Bible helps you slow down and significantly decreases your chance for distraction. Which increases your chance for paying attention to what God is trying to tell you. Which decreases your chance for reading the Bible simply to gain knowledge :)

What You Don’t Need

Multiple commentaries, a “major moment” every time, out to prove someone wrong, a give up mentality.

I’m not saying commentaries are bad… Use them! Same with study Bibles!

#1 I’m just saying you don’t *need* every time you read the Bible - especially if you’re reading to hear from God through His word. They can be helpful, but remember: Scripture is Scripture. Men’s and women’s thoughts in commentaries are not Scripture.

#2 You may not get a a huge God moment every time You read, but if you are looking for God to speak to you through His Word… you’ll probably hear Him sooner than if you are just trying to consume Scripture to “feel like” a good, knowledgeable Christian

#3it’s pretty much always a bad idea to come to Scripture with an agenda. Rather, let Scripture create your agenda for loving others in any given situation or disagreement.

#4 Perseverance is key. The only Being who truly understands every single detail about the Bible is God. Anyone trying to make you think or feel otherwise is playing God. And that, my friends, is a fantasy world I want nothing to do with.


This was my content focus for the month of October! So follow along, save it, like it, and share it for more!

I talk more in detail about this on my youtube channel!


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