What Can You Expect From Me?


So, what can you expect from me? Ok, first a little bit about how we got here.

I am Jackie Moore, founder of More Than Words Co. With the help of my tech guru and spiritual sage, Brandon (aka husband), I started More Than Words because I was honestly a little discouraged by how many people I knew who wanted to grow deeper in their faith but just didn’t know how. They knew they should read their Bible, but weren’t excited about it. They could tell you they were supposed to love Jesus back because He loved them first, but weren’t really sure when the last time was that they had paused and told Jesus they loved Him. 

Sitting at a random Cheddars, somewhere between central Arkansas and Charlotte, North Carolina, I clasped my hands together, closed my eyes, and said, “I just want people to know that the Bible is more than just words. Saying you love Jesus should be more than just words. Our relationship with Him should be more than just words.” Then, a few months and a lot of failed LLC applications later, More Than Words Co. was born! 

It has had a bit of a bumpy start; it was always something I would put leftover energy into. Turns out, though, high school teachers aren’t really overflowing with leftover energy. But now - apart from loving on my twin girls - this is my job. I hope to use this company to help people live what they know to be true and make every aspect of their faith more than just words.

Back to the Title

Now. Back to the question: what can you expect from me?

Well, I’ll send out weekly emails with a few standard elements:

  • A blog post… usually 2-4 part series, but not always (I like structure but not too much structure; leave room for the Spirit ya know?)

  • A resource recommendation… this will typically be books (written by others or myself), music (always by others, never me), sermons, blogs, or any other array of resources the Holy Spirit leads me to share (remember structure, but leave room for the Spirit)

  • A recap of any of my social media posts that week… I have MANY friends who regularly take social media breaks for short (and indefinite) amounts of time. AND I know people who don’t use social media at all. So I’ll highlight any “highlightable” things in the email

  • Any announcements… as my ministry continues to develop and grow, I’ll share those updates here first! Even before I share it on social media! 

So, that’s what you can expect! Hopefully it’s a lot of continuously refocusing our gaze on Jesus as we pursue loving Him and matching our orthodoxy with our orthopraxy. Or, how I prefer to say it: living what we know to be true.

I’ll typically end each email with “Y’all’ve got this.” In part, because I’m Arkansan and “y’all’ve” is how we concisely say “you all have.” But mainly because I believe God has given you everything you need for life and godliness. Whatever He’s telling you to do, you can. You and He together through His power have, in fact, got this.

So happy you’re here! See below for a variety of quick links :) I believe you can live what you know to be true. You have the power of the risen Christ in you. And, oh man, do I believe in Him.

Y’all’ve got this!



Surprise Announcement!!


Do you know who Brighton Butler is?