Do you know who Brighton Butler is?

It’s ok if you don’t. 

I didn’t for a long time.

Then, one day I was desperate to figure out how to tuck my sweater into my skirt without it looking all bunched up. And viola! I met Brighton Butler with all the answers to pull me out of my fashion desperation.

Well, ok. I didn’t actually meet her. 

Not face to face, anyway. Rather, I came upon her Instagram post about this exact thing! How to do the exact thing that was making me late for church. So, I watched the story, hit the “follow” button, and frantically tried to remember where I had done my quiet time the day before so I could find my bible and head out the door. Slightly late for church, but with a much less bunchy sweater! Win! 


Ok, why am I telling you this? Because Brighton Butler literally reframed my perspective about social media influencers. A couple of factors were at play: 

  1. I was at a point in my spiritual journey of becoming painfully aware of how judgmental I was and how wrong and sinful that is.

  2. Brighton Butler seemed like she genuinely cared about helping people; she wasn’t just trying to become popular and important.

She seemed like she genuinely cared about helping people who didn’t have time to do what she had time to do (research the latest fashion trends & hacks) and enjoyed doing. She just wanted to help and resource people. 

And, she loves Jesus. 

And that’s what I want to do. Help people. Well, not in the fashion and home decor genres, but I want to help people in the genre that is genuine Christianity. So many people I talk to - high school students, college students, 20 year olds, 30 year olds, 40.. 50.. 60.., truly people from every age and life stage - want to more genuinely live out their Christian faith. But, for whatever reason, the “how to” part of Christianity has been elusive for them. I could write a whole series about the “why” behind what caused this, but I honestly don’t think that would be the most helpful use of my current capacity. 

The How Question

How to become a christian or, more specifically, “How do I become a christian?” is the single most important question any person could seek an answer to. And a lot of Christians could at least somewhat explain the answer with semi-confidence. But the problem is, that’s often where the questions and confidence stops. And this probably needs to change. Because, arguably, the second most important question for anyone is, “How do I be a Christian?” once becoming one.

Back to Brighton for a second.

Here’s what Brighton Butler does in the fashion and home world. She pulls back the curtain and explains the how. She gives you the thought process behind why she chose to put the items together that she did. Not just the “why,” but how she got there.  She's up front and honest about what is a paid partnership and what’s not, and she's trustworthy and relatable.

Alright, back to me. 

That's what I want to do for you. Pull back the curtain on "how" to do this Christianity thing. I want to share my thought process behind making the decisions I make and why I choose to read or listen to, or obey God the way I do. I want to be someone you can trust to be honest with you and know that, even if sometimes I am suggesting my own content, you know I have sat with the Lord about it and am only going to suggest something I truly believe will be beneficial in answering the *how* question.

How do I become a Christian? How do I be a Christian? These two questions will be the driving force behind every email I send, every post I create, every item I sell, and every book I write.

How do I make the bible more than just words in my life?

How does my carefully guarded orthodoxy become genuine orthopraxy?

How do I live what I know to be true?

I want to answer those questions for you at times. I want to answer those questions together at times. I want you to answer those for me at times. Honestly I want us to influence each other towards a more genuine Christianity.

I’m All In

Now that I am no longer teaching, this is my job. Well, and of course raising my two cutie twin baby girls. I am as certain as I have ever been about something in life - this is what God has called me to moving forward. So I’m *all in* on managing More Than Words Co,, speaking, writing, and engaging with you on social media and email, until the Spirit directs me to point people to Jesus in a different way.

So, if you want to be a part of making your faith more than words, I’d love to engage and connect with you. You can sign up for my email list at the bottom of this page. You can follow me on instagram at jackiejmoore and morethanwordsco_. You can book me for a speaking event or you can check out my prayer devotional if you need to get you back on track in your quiet times with the Lord.

And finally, you can do this!

With or without my help. You can do this. You can have a deep, meaningful, personal, vibrant, thriving relationship with your Creator. Because the Bible truly is more than words.

Jackie Moore

More Than Words Founder


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