How to Memorize Scripture: All my advice in one place

Everything I Know

You know that saying: “I taught you everything you know, but not everything I know.” Well I have my own version of that quote when it comes to Scripture memory: “I’ve taught you everything I know, but (probably) not everything you know.” Promising, right? I sound like just the kind of person you’d want to get advice from. Ha! Seriously though, I want to give you everything I know about this.

I know there are so many resources out there for Scripture memory. I will never claim to have unlocked any secret method. I don’t (currently) have any cute, customized notecards for you to write your verse on. What I do have, however, are a few more free tips on how to enhance your ability to memorize Scripture. Last week I shared here in detail the BIGGEST game changer for my personal ability to memorize Scripture. Today, I want to share all the other pointers that have led to successful memorizing.

Everything I Do

For simplicity’s sake, I’ll literally list them out. (Twin babies = biiiiiiiiiig ‘keep it simple’ girl.)

  1. Recognize that memorizing IS spiritual warfare.

    • This means it’s going to feel hard at times. Satan will try to distract and discourage you because He knows that Scripture is the way you will defeat him.

  2. Engage with God while memorizing.

    • Talk to Him while you are practicing your verse. Laugh with Him when you mess it up. Treat it like a real conversation… because it is. God is real and wants to engage with you always.

  3. Study the verse you’re memorizing.

    • This doesn’t have to be a deep dive with five commentaries. Simply take time to look up a few words that stand out, jot down your thoughts, and ask the Holy Spirit to give you deeper understanding.

  4. Say it out loud.

    • They tell you repeating a person’s name when you meet them helps you remember their name for a reason. There is just something about saying things aloud that help things stick.

  5. Connect memorizing Scripture to a daily task.

    • Writing your verse on a cute board in your kitchen doesn’t help you if you can’t see it while doing dishes. Putting it on your mirror doesn’t work if you always get ready in your car outside your job (not that I would know….. ha!) Be realistic.

Alright! That’s it! Those 5 things, plus the blog post I mentioned earlier have been a GAME CHANGER! And they’re all free! For real - just ask my husband! I no longer get stressed when I think about memorizing Scripture; now it’s something I actually look forward to doing while feeding my baby girls in their little twin feeding lounger.

If I can do this, you can do this! I believe you can live what you know to be true. You can stay holy. You have the power of the risen Christ in you. And, oh man, do I believe in Him.

Y’all’ve got this!



The Silent Years


#1 Tip for Memorizing Scripture